Exchange has been migrated!

Exchange is now available through and you can contribute through the "EXCHANGE" bugtracker project.


A recurring and important request from the community was to provide a more intuitive and modern interface that would greatly improve its user experience.

On top of the new look & feel and among the improvements, you now benefit from a publishing moderation mechanism that will leave the Talend Exchange free of incomplete and useless add-ons.

We also went for a more "market place" approach where contributors and partners will be able to better promote their work. Since 24th March 2015

The 10 latest extensions are displayed

Filters: Product / Category / Author / Version

The latest and most popular extensions are displayed.
2 futures lines will be added: Highly Rated+Featured

Filters are now: Cloud/Studio

Add an extension

Defining an extension can be done in 1 step:

Only 3 fields: Product/Category/Description

12 steps are required (most of them are easy going, the user will click on Next each time).

Numerous fields exist to define a product (6 steps), and the user must create a Marketing Plan (6 additional steps).

At end the Support Plan/Pricing Plan are 2 quick steps, but for the first use, the user needs to read all screens to ensure he/she understands.

Add a revision

Adding a revision can be done in 1 step:

Only 4 fields: Compatibility List, Version, Description, ZIP

6 steps are required

As the Marketing Plan already exists, adding a revision is done quickly ... but in 6 steps!

My Listing"My Apps"

"My Listing" => should be renamed "My Contribution" in the future

This section is to manage the vendors, products and support plans.
Having several vendors can be useful to allow you to create and manage product listings using a personal account or company account

Extension Page

All-in-one page

You can download in one click

5 tabs in one page

To download an extension, you need :
   1- to accept the EULA to put the product in My Purchase view
   2- to go to My Purchase view to download the zip (a SHA256 and a MD5 are provided to check downloading)

Extension Review

The comments and the reviews are 2 different items

You can add only one review, but publish several comments

Comment and Review are merged

You can add only one review/comment (and you can update it)

Revision ReviewThe reviews are common for all the revisions of the same extensionThe reviews are linked to each revision. The "number of reviews" is the sum of all the reviews of all the revisions of the same extension
Author PageFrom the homepage, you can select an author name and browses in their extensions.The vendor page is to help our contributors and partners to better promote their profile/company.
My Favorites New feature
My Purchase New feature